Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Dare To Dream

Life is beautiful when we think it's beautiful. 
Never give up to chase your dream.

If we are talking about dreams, its never ending. In fact, everybody has something or anything that they always dream of, whatever the dreams, we can't deny it. Someone says that life is dreams. Yes, its because every people wanna get what they want, what they hope.

Life is about some goal and some effort to reach it.
Many people think that dream is stupid thing, is that true ? NO, Dream is not worst thing moreover stupid thing just because people judge us we can't reach our dream. By dreaming, we have the clear goal for our life. By dreaming, we know the way we get something, we reach anything in our life. If we still keep in faith, doing the best effort to reach the dream also by praying it, Hopefully Allah may hear and listen then create your dreams.

I think most of our dreams include imagination. Imagination is not stupid moreover strange thing. Its the first step for our dreams, goal, and the way we can reach to do the best effort for our dream.
The most stupid dreams that I've ever thought is I have wings. By flying with my wings, I can go overseas, and I'll stay from one place to another places. and the most favorite country that I always dream is America. I'm interested in the country that developed, after that I'm in Japan, country that has four seasons. Alright I will be around the world.
But, all of it is beyond my mind. It's impossible thing that never happen in the real world, and it's part of fairy tale I think.
 Dreams are like Rainbows. Only idiots chase them. So that why don't have dreams like in the fairy tale that impossible in our real world.

What we have to do is reaching our dream that impossible us to have it, such as to be success person, wanna go overseas and so on, you have to follow your passion and success will follow you. Don't forget to stay doing your efforts, put your praying to God, and be patient !

Sometimes, we can reach our dreams, and sometimes the dream is impossible in our mind. so that why God may create our hopes and not. And its the best thing from God whether He create or not.

The core of the novel's philosophy (The Alchemist), With this symbolic masterpiece Coelho states that we should not avoid our destinies, and urges people to follow their dreams, because to find our "Personal Myth" and our mission on Earth is the way to find "God", meaning happiness, fulfillment, and the ultimate purpose of creation. With optimism; it is the kind of novel that tells you that everything is possible as long as you really want it to happen. 

As the alchemist himself says, when he appears to Santiago in the form of an old king "when you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true". (Jika kita benar-benar menginginkan sesuatu, maka seluruh jagat raya akan bersatu padu membantu kita tuk meraihnya)

So, whatever your dreams, follow your passion and success will follow you, of course with your best efforts. Without efforts, you just get the dreams in your sleeping. Nothing impossible in this world. Dare to dream and keep your best efforts !

Put your hand in God. 
Put your hope in Him. Come to Him. 
Don't be afraid !


4 komentar:

  1. sebuah karunia yg teramat besar memiliki sahabat sepertimu,,,
    I will keep my dream.
    thx alot,,,

  2. Good evening. Thank you for leaving a note when you dropped by. It is always nice to know when someone visited.
    From this post you seem like someone who is a bit of a philospher - very good.
    The word dream has many different connotations, but whatever anyone wants to call it we all dream. Dreams, imaginations, wishes, visualizations, thinking ahead,
    etc., etc., etc.
    Was that a little hippo you were photographed with?
    What do you plan to do when you finish school?

  3. hi Millah just droppin by to say hi.. nice post but I hate dreams.. =(


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